Anonymous 01/28/2022 (Fri) 03:23:00 Id: 536993 No.86327 del
Are you content with sitting there, waiting for the "new Hitler"? Are you content waiting for someone to lead you? If so then cease reading for you are as worthless as a civic nationalist. *You* are the Man needed in this hour. *You* are the beacon for those seeking to resist need rally to. They do not merely need your words. They needs your actions. I make this effort here so you may realise this, that you may be something worthy of those who fell so that you may live. This epoch is dying, America, Britain, France, Italy, Spain, name the European nation and you will see it in it's death throes. Men of strength, Men with ideals are what is needed in this coming darkness. Men who do not merely operate within the mediocre tedium of "democracy" but Men of vision, Men of integrity. That, that is you. It is not destiny nor fate, it is your blood that demands it, hear it's cries, hear it's voice. It is the voice the chides you when you fall to degeneration, it is the voice that despite the darkest of hours forces you to awaken in the morning, it is the voice that you hear when enraged at the vile injustices done to our people by the semetic filth. That is the true you, the you that understands right from wrong, that imbues you with a sense of justice and nobility. That lifts you from the mundane cowardice of the masses to the insensate rage at the atrocities inflicted upon us. Your duty is clear. Your heart is strong. Your souls voice clears. Listen to it. Listen to it telling you, shouting at you to listen. Let us stand, let us fight. Not merely for political principles but for our very people. Let us show them Men still live, Men still stand even in the darkest of hours.

Until victory be won.