03/18/2022 (Fri) 05:55:13
Id: 2c08ea
>>86797>banners>Can we get rid of the azov one?I think you mean the Azov flag. Well, there's also these: 4chon loyalist, alt right kike, atomwaffen fedposting retard, feminism (penises make you really angry), ISIS, JIDF kike, journalist (jewish owned mainstream media), Lehi kike, Libertarian retard, MGTOW (vaginas make you really angry), Marxist kikery, Mossad kike, Strasserist traitor, Trumptard MAGApede. I have banned the majority of the above as they used these along with shill messages. Flags don't all exist as welcoming those types. They're identifiers. Funnily enough, shills will use them. Many flags were here before. I simply renamed them for what they represent.