04/02/2022 (Sat) 11:39:15
Id: 2c08ea
To explain why I can't do this myself: I know nobody jew-aware in my vicinity I can encourage to come here. I've made many attempts at converting people from a brainwashed state, with mixed results. The successful times always resulted in what is known as "white flight". The freed mind stops listening after realizing the truth, packs up and moves out of their desire to live around a higher percentage of caucasians. Telling them we need to increase numbers or there is no solving this seems to accomplish no resolution in their heads. They're always determined to get out. I have zero social media presence because I grew sick of being banned on their platforms years ago. Kikes own the popular ones. So, all there is, is you who are left here. The few regulars on this board are the opposite of garbage human beings besides AIDSkike. He's trash.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 04/02/2022 (Sat) 15:09:58.