Board owner
04/15/2022 (Fri) 14:22:42
Id: 2c08ea
In case any neurotic kike like the schizophrenic 37 posts making jewish OP whom promoted Judaism
>>>/endpolmeta/780 "evil as good" and "lies as truth" is confused, thinking they won't be banned on this board: Kikes cannot hide their intentions despite everyone being Anonymous. (((They))) have specific characteristics and will be found out, whether it's common jewish religious traditions, typical jewish neurosis or the tendency to sperg into a flurry of insults after continued conversations of constructive criticism. No jew has ever been able to post here without revealing themselves and I don't care if George Soros, Yair Netanyahu, Jared Kushner or any other kike one day decides to buy out this site. Hypothetically, even if a jew becomes owner or a Global
I would die on this hill regardless.
All jews will be banned Compromising to let the eternal parasites in has only led to erosion and death throughout history
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 04/15/2022 (Fri) 14:44:55.