05/08/2022 (Sun) 13:36:57
Id: a9f2d6
>>87336It was Jiří Syllaba who was elected the first Grand Master of Národ Lodge of Slovakia. Look at this gremlin face. He was arrested by the Gestapo (only police of the Third Reich, not prior to and not after WW2). (((Randy Schoenberg))) and (((Rafi Kornfeld))) of take an overwhelming interest in managing his family tree. He must've been a kike before he was a corpse in 1997. The jews 'Samuel Gustav Robert Steinert' and 'Felix Lenhart' (with obvious jew grandparents Joseph and Ephraim) "represented" the Národ Lodge Grand Master in the 'Annual Proceedings of the GLNY' - that is, the Grand Lodge of New York in 1931.
Veľká Lóža Slovenska's page on 'How to become a Freemason' states: "Kto sa môže stať slobodomurárom? Členom lóže sa môže stať každý, kto je schopný povzniesť sa nad svoje náboženské, politické, rasové predsudky a má dosť síl a vytrvalosť, aby sebavzdelávaním dosiahol "slobodomurárske stupne" učňa, tovariša a majstra."
"Who can become a Mason? Anyone who is able to rise above his religious, political, racial prejudices and has enough strength and perseverance to become an "Freemasonist degree" apprentice, companion and master can become a member of the lodge."
"Religious and racial tolerance" bullshit is enough to know it's compromised. Interestingly, the Veľká Lóža Slovenska website seems to have a replacement for that dead link. "Today there are six active Lodges in Slovakia – Kozmopolis, Libertas, Humanizmus, Quatuor Coronati and Generál Štefánik in Bratislava and Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice". I don't speak Slovak, so it's hard to discover modern Grand Masters. You might try your luck.