05/09/2022 (Mon) 07:02:32
Id: db20fd
>>87347>That might be Jozef TisoYes that is Dr. Tiso himself
>He was executed for 'betrayal of the antifascist partisan insurrection and collaboration with Nazism'.His execution was symbolical (by czechoslovak exile goverment for treason) rather than put on false accusations it was decided far before the arrest itself because his execution meant our fall of independence.
Like there are some people here who want him to be a martyr or saint but thats impossible to achieve for them, would it be nice? For sure even for esoteeic hitlerist like me who admires him but again no statue will be build or canonization too.
>That's exactly what they'll do to many if the Communist bastards succeed in any future insurrections.From ludove milicie to nkvd it always boils to same.
A terror on anyone who they deem to disagree or refuse thalmudic law