Board owner
05/23/2022 (Mon) 15:15:27
Id: 2c08ea
Attention: Because the U.S. Government is Israel's bitch, calling out the JQ, even if it becomes illegal, will continue to happen as long as I'm BO unless I am forcefully removed from board moderation.
Site admins may not have a choice if it ever comes down to Zionist government limiting speech. I'll still post truth across /pol/ even if I become an outsider. I encourage the few regulars we have to do the same.
This is not a post blaming Globals by any stretch. It is merely a paranoid reaction of recently passed censorship >
>>87544 Site admins have been very accepting of letting BOs run our own boards.
The more ZOG tightens their grip, the more important it is to spread messages of the evils of jewry.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 05/23/2022 (Mon) 17:25:55.