07/23/2022 (Sat) 17:18:00
Id: 2c08ea
>>87975Not to worry. There are no such logs, except for bans Full transparency: The moderation panel for all boards encrypts IPs. Amiram Moshe Shafrir owns Explore Talent along with his wife Sarit. Shafrir began Amtec Audiotext, a phone sex service. His wife ran a porn site called Shafrir used that to fund J-Date, a jews only dating site. Affiliated porn site users were wired into the dating site to deceive about their numbers. Shafrir used his money for illegal wiretapping, bribing police officers, and blackmailing American military officials for being secretly homosexual, ties to organized crime, ripping off credit cards and trafficking expired drugs. This info comes from National Justice by Eric Striker. After Shafrir used his jew privilege to dodge consequences, he started Explore Talent. Politicians then use these porn star "actresses" as star witnesses and spokeswomen as a service to get corrupt politicians out of hot water because they were willing to be bribed by AIPAC.
People keep forgetting in our modern times that acting literally is lying for entertainment
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 07/23/2022 (Sat) 17:31:12.