07/25/2022 (Mon) 23:26:00
Id: b6dbbe
>Since jews obviously own the majority of popular social media; this leaves the Chans.
and that is why the chans are dead now. The problem /pol/ faces isn't just limited to /pol/; everyone in the old chan system is facing it. 4chan is literally moderated by Reddit now. Reddit swallowed all of social media, purged everything besides leftism, and then leftists censored the hosts of any bunker website, and so now all of the internet is controlled by leftists. Leftists control the entire internet supply chain.
There is also the problem of generational change. Chans were the domain of millennials. Millennials are middle aged now. We know the old internet but Zoomers were not able to really get to know the old internet before it was immediately censored post-Trump. Zoomers were baited-and-switched from web 2.0 to web 3.0 right when they were reaching their prime internet years. So now their frame of reference is tiktok, instagram, and discord, all extremely hostile and very doxable websites that no seriously dissident should ever touch. So what you have to the chans is not just oppressive censorship along with the rest of the internet but an aging out of the old guard and their replacement with nothing.
To save anything what you need is one central altchan for everyone to use. That encourages comradery and culture. It will inevitably be banned like 8chan, so the challenge then is to have a workable chain of command, but as you saw during the aftermath 8chan's implosion that is nearly impossible when you're working with greedy egoistic garbage like the shit that was moderating 8chan.
We are going to be stuck in this shitty purgatory for a long time.