07/26/2022 (Tue) 10:24:57
Id: 6c75b0
>>87986>4chan is literally moderated by Reddit nowNot only that but also by either leftypol colonies on discord or posters there with nothing to do but spamming racial mixing mockeries in case of Joshua ulmer janitor in 4pol
(no i wont post that list of his full public info like irl contact adress only a discord logs and that /v/ post giving him title a 3" in case of interest) And about the fall of chan cultures important thing should be also in awareness on topic, and that is that chans and especially 4chan went mainstream and got rebranded by zion power in context as disinfo reddit like forum sites rather than "a basically deep web in surface web treating internet like a videogame"
Sure some voices may be rised that chan imageboards got into popularity from niche sites into public awareness by controversies like tumblr 4chan wars and thus doomed itself by that but i disagree since it attracted new people and separated weeds from grain
>So now their frame of reference is tiktok, instagram, and discord, all extremely hostile and very doxable websites that no seriously dissident should ever touchAlso youtube with its controlled op channels like joe rogan, tim pool and ben shapiro which largely contribute to this cursed cycle
Simply said before losing hours of time because of overthinking internet became an allegory of cave by plato so anyone who gets out of this cycle of left vs right basically will meet fate like in allegory of cave