07/27/2022 (Wed) 11:13:01
Id: c6d076
>>87992>>87993It does seem to be advertising the other side, like any celebrity figure having a fake beef to increase the publicity of both sides. I'm noticing Conservatives as the most possible for being converted to National Socialism due to their respect of old values and disgust with modern degeneracy. It's unfortunate most of them are Republicans falling for that two party jewed voting system. They just think Biden's bad (which that senile jew obedient world economy destroyer is) but neglect the constant Israel first bullshit Trump was all about. The blind aren't aware jews are a problem and if you tell them directly you'll often trigger an instant Pavlovian response. They've been conditioned to be triggered at any negative mention of jews their entire lives. Most people are. The Conservative side, like most of the Left's opposition are called 'Nazis' by the Left. This term even as a manufactured insult is losing all meaning.