08/30/2022 (Tue) 17:01
Id: 4d48f6
>>88362>You do that in any EU country, you are an immediate Persona non grata.The only one I have mostly convinced is my brother. I showed him all the connections pointing to the jews with help of the chans and translated all the big important points to him since his English is bad. He's very jew aware. I don't talk too him much about Hitler tho... But I do often remind him "there's a reason Hitler was so succesful"
Most of my fellow working class citizens are very anti-immigration. They feel the replacement and do not like it all, the moment I'm alone with them in immigrant (off spring) heavy areas/work places they are honest. "I don't like those outsiders"
The feeling of brethren love is STILL there, all we have to do is show them without any place for doubt that the JEWS are and have been causing this succesfully since after the war. But I'm a retard, so that's on you guys.
Don't despair so. We need to start with the working class, they're affected by this most and have been for years. Desk sitters (middle class) are only now being affected. However, it's often desk sitters that are a bit fagish on this topic IMHE. They're quite dissociated. But once you have the working class, desk sitters will fall in line behind them.