>>88362 >You do that in any EU country, you are an immediate Persona non grata. It's just something you can't admit publicly no matter what. True, bonus points if you live in post communist nation.
>>88367 >But once you have the working class, desk sitters will fall in line behind them You sort of forget when redpilling someone is that how he percieves redpill if as just a nother fun fact which will fade since he for sure isint the problem and everyrhing has explenation like are those in instagram copy cat channels or he will become aware.
Because this is stigma in this republic where you can try to show the truth and sucsceed despite the huge disadvantage that here is a miracle if someone even in his 20s knows B1 tier english here but with one risk for the listener And that is that they will simply forget what they had been told and carry on with their cycle of life of work and drinking or eating from the hand which feeds In simple ways since i was never an essay type of person told the living example of hitlers observation of daily workers life and mindset in vienna