08/30/2022 (Tue) 23:06
Id: c6d076
>>88362Yeah, the EU countries are fucked by ZOG but I can't blame them entirely when I live in the US of ZOG. All our governments are treasonous.
>>88367>But I'm a retard, so that's on you guys.Don't sell yourself short. At least you have convinced your brother. With my obsessive knowledge of the Third Reich and all manner of jewish lies about their fraudulent holocaust, the other Caucasians I have managed to break free of their brainwashing have fled northwest. I have mostly had to convince the non Aryan races. In this melting pot, I'm surrounded by them. They will never be swayed towards Caucasian interests no matter how free their minds are from international jewry. There is never anything bad about immigration replacement in their minds because they're race loyal. The same inborn tendency needs to be sparked back in Aryan races. There are far too many traitors of our own kind.