11/06/2022 (Sun) 11:58
What >we need to do is start from scratch somewhere. Isn't there some unclaimed land out there on earth we could settle down in and create our own society of national socialism? That or we could try forming our own political groups/parties to overthrow the jew peacefully everyone is feeling the pinch at the moment and its like weimar republic out there these days so why not re-introduce national socialism to the masses?
I know that I personally would like to form my own natsoc party to peacefully get rid of the jews and take over the country but i'd have no idea on how to start off! maybe if we get some like minded people together we could start forming groups that do basic things like soup kitchens or fundraisers or just fun days out for families, y'know like what the kikes do for their brainwashing schemes like cancer research or water for niggers in apefrica.