11/07/2022 (Mon) 21:48
Id: d7a120
Here's how we could win:
1. "Fake it till you make it": We gather together somewhere in our countries, and form our own etnostate within the existing country by simply acting as if we had taken over the government of that area, until we actually have seceded that territory from the greater state.
This works because government is truly defined by what it does (de facto) rather than any official capacity (de jure), we simply designate members of our group as members of our government, we make up a set of laws and we have those we designated police enforce them, we create policies and have those in charge of implementing them do so, just take over the duties of government in that area and you become the government there.
It would be best to do this in an area where the government of the greater state is weak, be it a city where the law or it's enforcement have broken down, or a town where the law or it's enforcement are sparse, that way we can more easily assume the duties of government in those places and then react to the actions of anyone from the actual government as though THEY were the illegitimate fakers.
That's the thing with authority, especially political authority, it is manifest in doing what it does, people will recognize us as the legitimate rulers if we are the ones acting the role over them more than anyone else.
The actual government loses it's authority when everyone in the area simply starts ignoring it.
One possible manifestation of this is the idea of a parallel economy, where you stop using the official currency of your country and start using something else to trade for goods and services instead, the official form of money would not be accepted by businesses in this community and they will instead only accept whatever you've chosen as the replacement. The only thing that official money might be useful for is for the purchase of things from outside of the community, including more of whatever is used to replace the official currency within that community.
If we do this, the government will come in to try and take the lands back, so we should prepare it for that, to fight them off (start to prepare for the attack long before it begins), also we need to make it self-sustainable, and we need to beef up whatever force we will be using to impose our law and order upon the territory we are taking over.
Start writing out your design for the new government you want to form, and select your location for takeover, preferably it should be located in a coastal region with direct access to an ocean.