11/07/2022 (Mon) 23:02
Id: c6d076
>>89223It's good you covered government coming after reacquired territory, because as we learned from WW2: ZOG
will send everything in their pathetic authority to squash you. One criticism I have of Hitler is that he should have spent the time and resources he did on infrastructure to instead fortify all borders with forts (and sea land). Underestimating the reach of the (((enemy))) was his greatest mistake. It was obviously a mistake because he kept talking about a thousand year Reich. Otherwise, I have zero remaining criticisms of the greatest man who ever lived.
>>89224The nations from which migrants travel out of into Europe are heavily militarized. That is why migrants have fled and jews are why they were allowed to replace Europeans. There would have to be more than merely reverse migration (basically just migration since you're not talking about first moving to our homelands). Force would be necessary to take back multiple countries. It's not ours if the invaders still live within. Force is also necessary to take over African populated countries. Then the result would only become more black migration to our homelands. Moving to their nations is a bad idea. Moving back to ours and retaking through a mass revolt is better. I would suggest instead of Antarctica - simply force the migration of all non Aryan races down to South America. They're brown. Their melanin requires heat and sun. Just do a much better job of walling off the border from Mexico than these politicians who claim to want a wall but don't accomplish shit.
>>89225There is nothing to argue here. You're spot on. In addition, I suggest using the term 'loxist' instead of (((Leon Trotsky's))) term 'racism'.
That kike didn't invent the word, by the way. He only popularized it. No jew has ever had the imagination to invent anything. They only steal ideas.