Anonymous 12/15/2022 (Thu) 23:08 Id: 2dddb1 No.89417 del
the kikes power comes from his total control of the US Dollar. Remove yourself from the kike economy. Whites are using silver and gold for in person transactions and we are using monero for digital transactions. the further we remove ourselves from this jewish economy the less power the jew has. The Jew is able to destroy white societies because he has unlimited financing due to his Jewish Bailout Bucks. So leave those bailout bucks behind, and why not? there is so much political risk associated with Bailout bucks now. As soon as some politically connected Jew needs his company or bank bailed out he gets just that free money by debasing everyone elses money. Whites cannot survive in an economic system where the Jew totally controls the Dollar. So we left that Jew Economy behind. Jews can't collect or spy on tranactions with monero thwarting the jews ability to collect income tax.

fuck jews fuck niggers

fuck working for a jewish bailout bucks dollar with massive counter party political risk that just gets debased.

Does this make sense for you now? There already is a parallel economy in the works and the jews are not in control of it what so ever.

Just wait until commodities sky rocket in jew dollars lol they already are aren't they ;)