Anonymous 02/05/2023 (Sun) 10:50 Id: 408a33 No.89741 del
>you would not believe the corruption in modern public schools today.
And how about i would and would like to know more how west fell even deeper on matter as i when studied despite being in times of this millenia where this zog degeneracy was taking stepes we had incremental degeneration of youth from "educational theatres and concerts" to "lectures by experts" from holocaust and homosex sodomy degeneracy allowance as its "just a matter of bedroom and thats none of our business" to even and that was when i was in last year of studies in industry technical school the indoctrination for globohomo morals when murder of Jan Kruciak happened (and witch hunt on anyone who at least was conservative cuck) and shilling for acceptance of niggers in republic
Excluding of course the teachers agitations when politics was on topic their conversions to marxism as "everything was better then and people were nicer"

>Teachers are being forced to pass students fraudulently even though they know damn well those students could not pass average exams
We have simmilar thing here and even i had to deal with one who studied in industrial and technical school with me. Bucko was unable to read even in his teens and during studies and behaved like everyone is sort of non player character in rpg
I mean okay learning dissabilities exist as i have diagnosed ADD and it does something to me making life little bit worse as memory losses and brain farts and problems understanding text on first read or having mind sometimes like one of those epilepsy flashing lights triggers are not pleasant thing but that is not excuse to be jackass or not to behave in public

>admitting the failure and total joke of this so-called "educational" system today.
Yes, if someone will tell me naively that we live in age of right man in right place i can do nothing but laugh him off as we live only in age where any man can be conditioned to occupy any place. University title for something that does not even require it like low level white collar jobs or blue collar jobs? Why boomer Billy was qualified during 60s to 80s after technical school where he knew like a prayer his scroll lathe and now zoomer or millenial needs uni to be qualified altrough he knows it as same as his father and grand father? Give me a break we live in one of the most backward times of human civilization when it comes to progress of a man and his belonging