04/09/2023 (Sun) 07:18
Id: 341138
>>90183>Many fool (((historians))) blame him instead.And also for things like it was his fault that weapons either took so long to produce or were over complicated like was in case of g41(m) or stg44 when in fact army or producer was the one who made it to be a thing in first place
Or the famous out of context that me262 should be a bomber when actually the incident was nothing but a question if it has same conversion tools like focke wulf had .
Yes even hitler is not immune to mistakes but considering how many are attributed and how many actually were a thing as bluewater navy scrapping (which was later cancelled luckily but Gniesenau wasnt saved on time) or assuming that Romania wont stab him to back with even considering that he would manage to reason with same forces that desired war in first place by any cost
>>90217Was there also a consideration to add Gaddafi loyalist flag to list?