tracert 04/15/2023 (Sat) 20:48 No.90267 del
I fear we live in a fairytale, the king with evil wizards, dark gods, and a realm under a cursed,something like the mix of The Brothers Grim and Conan the Barbarian. Don't give up, remember how these stories end.
It is always a breath of fresh air to talk to someone who understands our situation. You clearly see how the system is rigged at the top by the most vile people imaginable. I also agree with you about the lone wolf attacks.

Violence only reinforces the power of the system as everyone with any degree of power has armed security surrounding them. As a result the only thing that would happen would be the system once again proving that it has a monopoly of violence. What we need is an information insurgency where the powers that be have two choices, either allow the speech that undermines their authority or shut it down. Looks like they are shutting it down, this is good.