I feel I should explain something about religion on this board, as it is a frequently brought up debate. The intent on end/pol/ is a simple premise with a web of complexity. Some might have presumed in the past that this place is strictly for National Socialists as well as Christians on top of that. The truth is, this board exists only for one all-encompassing reason. An intense hatred of jews. Yes, I can understand why someone would come to the false conclusion that Christianity is jewish. No other Greece based religion has been so compromised by the parasites, and kikes lie by deceiving about Hebrew being the origin. With the Septuagint and Codex Sinaiticus, the origin IS Greek language while jews have zero evidence of their claims. Only the fraud Dead Sea Scrolls forged on shoe leather. Hitler appreciated Christianity and he never lied. Do I have a strong devotion to Christianity since I have banned visitors for talking shit? The answer is no. I respect myths of the Aesir far more than a religion preaching to be passive sheep. Odin was depicted as a fighter who took on entire races of giants. Vikings were never compromised by jews and never had the end result of their religion exist as a joke of charlatans scamming congregations for money. Yet every time we get a pretend Odinist here, they start shit. Are they off dying to get into Valholl instead of pissing on an imageboard? No. Because that is not a real Viking. That is a jew hiding behind a disguise.
If visitors would stop at saying they distrust Christianity, this would be acceptable. Understandable. But they don't stop. No matter the amount of information they're given, they continue to badger. I'm not personally offended either if Hitler is insulted. He's not me. I chose his name to moderate because Hitler is the best jew hate magnet ever. That's the point. Which falls right back on what this board is about. The only sane response is an intense hatred of kikes. There is no way to peer into your rooms and tell whether or not you have jewish heritage. As this is an anonymous imageboard, the only way is to notice behavior. Debate like a jew by discarding all facts presented to you. Express an intense hatred of Christianity instead of rightfully despising Judaism, is like a jew. Insulting Hitler is like a jew. Promoting the degenerate trash they promote. Any stereotypical but true behavior like them and you will be assumed to be a jew.
Because international jewry has compromised this world and turned it into the surrounding degeneracy in which I was raised but saw what brief beauty National Socialist rule was, I have extreme apathy. Nothing is personal. I couldn't care less which of the aforementioned subjects are insulted. Hitler. Christianity. Any point of contention debated for or against without accepting facts. I'm not affected more than paying attention to those red flags. The only logical conclusion is an awareness that kikes are why this modern world is trash. Do not forget. Nothing matters more than this: Here, we fucking hate jews
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 04/19/2023 (Wed) 13:20.