05/18/2023 (Thu) 05:59
Id: 6d6b86
>>90487I'm offering in case of some unforeseen circumstance that would remove my ability to watch over this board. So the Vol position doesn't have to be active. You and Slovak anon both have your heads in the right place and come here more frequently than others (not counting the kike shills).
>Was dealing with a few things in life, so I couldn't at the time. Hope you understand BOAre you G_C? Would be interesting if you were him this entire time. He's listed as Vol, and Ocelotte. They can both log in as they used to whenever they want. If not, you may create a login and I would add you.
Again: No time frame. No deadlines. No checking in. All I would require is screenshots of deletions to go to
>>>/endpolmeta/ when deletions happen. It doesn't matter when.