05/18/2023 (Thu) 20:55
Our main strength is Truth and always has been.
That's how Hitler gained a foothold during a time in Europe that closely resembles our current year. The people of Germany were aware that the fabric of their lives was slowly being torn apart by Jewish degeneracy, but they didn't know who was responsible for it (if anyone) and would have continued on with their lives had it not been for some old god manifesting himself in Hitler's soul.
This is just how people are. As long as they have food and a place to sleep, they will do their best to live life with what has been given to them. Even if they are aware that something sick is occurring in their society, they won't address it until they know who is responsible. A vague threat is more dangerous than a known threat, but it's a catch-22 because a vague threat can't be removed. So, for the average person, acknowledging that something is wrong is enough until someone figures out what the exact problem is.
In the modern day, the Jewish propaganda system has created so many "explanations" for the problems that they have created that everyone will readily latch on to the first thing that makes sense. Our children are being indoctrinated into LGBTQ ideology? Well, Ben Shapiro says it's the liberals and that makes sense, so let's attack the liberals and support Trump because the media says that Trump is the antithesis to liberals! Excellent, now all we have to do is put a bumper sticker on our car.
Trump is an example of a messiah figure who has been set up to hold and bring "truth" to the masses. The Jews have set him up as a kind of modern Hitler because they recognize that the people crave a leader, and without a leader there may be chaos. They need to coral everyone into manageable sections, through which they pump information that keeps everyone feeling like their problems may be solved soon.
The only solution to this is either to beg the gods to give us another Hitler, OR to let Truth manifest in ourselves and permeate our whole life so that we can be the "leaders" of our immediate environment. If you are a good, truthful, strong, and responsible person, you will set an example for those around you. If you are a sweaty, depressed, basement-dweller then nobody will give a shit about what you believe or say because you obviously don't know what you're talking about.
If your community sucks, make your community better. I myself am always going around my community picking up trash and offering my help whenever I can with the resources that I have at my disposal. I'm polite to everyone. My community loves my family, we have many friends, and people don't think twice when we ridicule the banks and the Jews. All of my work friends know what I believe. Unfortunately we don't have a lot of money to be making a huge difference, but the way we present ourselves and behave is enough to make people think a little differently, or at the very least to open their minds a little.
Be well-dressed, clean, polite, and helpful, even to non-whites when applicable. If someone asks for your opinion, give it to them freely and don't sugarcoat anything. Work very hard, take responsibility for yourself. And no matter what, be an example. Manifest what you know is the Truth in your every action. You will quickly find that you can talk to anyone you want about the Jews without being dismissed and ridiculed. Be the example of a forthright, hard-working, family-oriented, respectable national socialist and people will respect you naturally, and eventually you will be able to influence their thinking because you clearly embody a confident and upstanding person. Also, lose the ego. Be a good person through-and-through without the arrogance of a conservative high on soybean oil and football.