Anonymous 05/18/2023 (Thu) 21:39 Id: 352d5c No.90499 del
Maybe, but the truth is I don't think we will ever get a full normie-natsoc movement going anytime soon, just because I find most normies are turned off by naming the Jew. It's too deeply rooted in our institutions at a young age to hate socialism or communism, just like it was for communism before that too. Normies seem to need to suffer before they begin to understand basic problems and that's just the sad truth. Nothing wakes a normie up more than hunger and facing homelessness, having to live in deteriorating corrupt squalor. I was once a normie myself, had no clue about anything going on until the 9/11 false flag attack happened, then it all changed my world view but it still took me a few years to realize how bad a situation America is being put into and many many more years to realize by exactly who.