06/09/2023 (Fri) 01:59
Id: 558dee
>>90489>You and Slovak anon both have your heads in the right place aI'm okay with it
not right now due to external life circumstances that I have You won't have to worry about this board so much because they'll always be people around to keep either this board or a copy of it up pretty much anywhere on the internet. Wonder what Slovak anon thinks of all this though.
You can also add BookAnon/English motivation anon as a Vol nominee if you want too. He's a good lad who's pretty smart.
>I'm offering in case of some unforeseen circumstance that would remove my ability to watch over this board.Well anything can happen to anybody here or outside the board. Just a matter of life. Let's just keep an positive attitude
just not too exaggerated and weird like and just be ready for anything that could happen.
>>Are you G_C? Would be interesting if you were him this entire time. He's listed as Vol, and Ocelotte. Nah, I'm not him. Wasn't even around this board during that time. I only briefly visited this board when Ocelotte was mod. Took a break to funpost on Twitter for a while before coming back here
my favorite accounts kept getting banned lol