>>90594 >Wonder what Slovak anon thinks of all this though As someone who hunts archive docs like this one i support the idea of archiving threads as was in case of germania thread technically the only mention now of his work and documentaries are on fate of those who have all of them as me or on passing by people who stumble upon it And yes in case someone is interested in documentaries of his i have them all even tommy mair one and covid hoax one since world truth videos has problems with old uploads where they dont play
>You can also add BookAnon/English motivation anon as a Vol nominee if you want too. He's a good lad who's pretty smart. Wasnt bookanon locked up by british zog for terrorism agitation or something like that? Because before my ban on worldtruth videos social media platform wtvx (after arguing with one himbo who cannot into psychology of burn outs or paranoia and thinking hulk smash hulk bulking solves everything who reported me after constant unga bunga arguments) there was discussionif it was him and news reports seem on at least a tip of iceberg suggest it was him with few of his vids (especially tommy mair doc where he indirectly could mention he is from UK) >Well anything can happen to anybody here or outside the board Yep indeed and thats why we have monty pythons song always look on bright side of life or living in society mode
>>90595 >He turned Vol down due to life circumstances as well, which is fine I mean it was a neccesity which still stands as factors keep me busy or drained into point where i can only think of dumb stuff like i like peanuts and butter but nit peanut butter and situation here is rushing to be clearer than as this "cold war" heads forward, bank crashes and lock up of marian magát demands to have a hard basis to stand when it begins which is more challenging to keep alive as here also is practiced blackrocks and vanguards tactics of buying off a land but far cheaper as people here are far less world aware and trusting