Anonymous 06/12/2023 (Mon) 11:31 Id: 3808e7 No.90607 del
You'll face no hatred of your Palestinian lineage here. One who acts as such will immediately prove they're a jew. A major contributing factor towards my arriving at the decision of respecting Hitler was the wholesale slaughter of innocent Palestinians. I don't need to be non-white for this happening to people to piss me off. Kikes are sick bastards. The very monsters they habitually lie about historical National Socialists being. Jews only project disgusting accusations to cover up their actual crimes.

Yes, if anyone is bothered by this gore, let it piss them off too. This is what jews want for all of us.

It's a struggle as we live among worldwide Zionist governed hell-holes. Only you can lift your own mind out of a rut. It's not your ego that needs to change. No (((Freudian))) bullshit is reality. Your lifestyle and livelihood improving is all that might lift your spirits.