07/03/2023 (Mon) 21:33
Id: 30bb0e
>>90689The website is undeniably Jewish garbage. Its new ownership established a “Premium” feature which means you pay for things the original website did not have, like private messages and coins (typical).
Nevertheless, it is barely moderated at all. I have reported suspected domestic abuse due to evidence I gathered from random accounts (which I also reported to the police) - that was the first day I used it - and I was given a warning that I would be banned for not following community guidelines. However, because it is abhorrently moderated and nothing more than passive income for Jews, and the user base is full of insecure, impressionable teenagers needing guidance and validation. I still think it could be an effective tool and suggest you give it a try to see how far you can make it until you get banned (if you do at all), since I know you have near infinite resources to share.
You will receive approximately 500 questions a day which should be enough stimuli to propagate effectively. In addition to that; finding random accounts is easy and contacting them is effortless.
There are a lot of edgy users on the website, most of which are too young to care about reporting content - it is mainly used by cowards to insult people anonymously (and I honestly suspect it was an FBI honeypot originally to identify school shooters and identify who was being tormented and pushed into such harmful mindsets, but that’s an unfounded theory) - I posted a photo of Hitler in his summer clothes to a question “Post a photo of your favourite outfit”, and it clearly displayed the swastika, and that still hasn’t been deleted. It seems like their moderation does not even care, and that includes when it comes to child predators who use the website to exploit innocent and naive individuals. I suggest, just like the National Socialists did to the decadent and depraved Weimar Republic, that individuals here make an effort to influence the general consensus to a group which is more critical of exploitative and predatory behaviour.
Nonetheless, if you have further reason to avoid this website, I would like to know why.