FOOTAGE: Deadly Third World Migrant Riots In France Are Now Spreading To Switzerland & Germany Anonymous 07/09/2023 (Sun) 15:45 Id: 7c56cd No.90730 del
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FOOTAGE: Deadly Third World Migrant Riots In France Are Now Spreading To Switzerland & Germany

The ferocious migrant riots taking place for more than five days inside France, have begun to spread. In Zurich, Switzerland, a passenger train locomotive was set on fire (Video below) and in GieBen, Germany, Rioters hit the Eritrea Festival (video below).

We begin in Zurich, Switzerland as a train was set ablaze:

We now go to Germany where "African Migrants" stormed the Eritrea Festival, beating up random Germans as they encountered them:

Those of us on the right hate to say "I told you so" but here we are -- again -- with another "conspiracy theory" that proves correct.

For years, we on the right warned that the left wing and corporate kikes were intentionally bringing in third-worlders to our advanced societies to use as sort of "shock troops" against us.

That is exactly - precisely - what is taking place.

You see, the radical left doesn't want an educated, comfortable, engaged society because such societies actually pay attention to what our lowly, sniveling, public servants in government, actually do.

What the radical left wants are useful idiots who they can use to rabble rouse. This disrupts the peace, dignity, and cohesiveness of society.

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