08/03/2023 (Thu) 00:08
Id: bdb57c
>>90865The black background infograph is the more flawed of them all because it suggests summaries as "quotes". The summaries were necessary, as in those verses are extremely long-winded rabbis rambling. For instance, Sanhedrin 59a says "A gentile who engages in Torah study (Old Testament) is liable to receive the death penalty" and then directly after, rants about the killing of animals but drinking of their blood being forbidden. The quote is a summary, as each of those quotes end up being summaries.
I see where the problem is with that infograph and how jews may attempt to distractively pilpul the fact the exact quotes aren't there. Each summary explains every verse. The summaries are correct. I do not have time to pick every single one and explain them all to you.
National Socialists don't give a shit about blacks as long as they're not breeding with caucasian men or women or murdering us. NS Germans got along with blacks (some fought for Germany) while they were being spat on in the United States. Jews are the enemy. The KKK and Trans Atlantic slave trade were jewish machinations. All modern race war is a distraction from kikes by kike media.