08/03/2023 (Thu) 08:03
>>90853The last uncensored Talmud is the Munich Talmud (in Munich, Germany), published in the 16th century. All the outrageous quotes are from that one. Since then all published Talmuds are censored for 500 years now, all around the globe, and most Jews typically don't read the Münich one.
I came to this conclusion by similarly trying to look up the quotes, and one version of Talmud offered a footnote for a passage about Jesus, which said that in the uncensored version says something different. Then I tried to get an uncensored copy which I failed but I found the info that the last uncensored one is/was the Munich Talmud.
I can't give sources, I did this many years ago. When dowloading the Talmud I picked a site somewhere at the front of the search results, I don't know if the site is still there, it was some legit Jewish site. Tho it's odd that copies were available for free.