Anonymous 08/21/2023 (Mon) 19:53 Id: a1baba No.90975 del
If you were really Matt Furie, I'd shake your hand for suing Info Wars's Alex Jonestein the jew marrying "Muslims rule the world" deceiving Zionist psychopath, The Daily Stormer's controlled opposition and r/The_Donald (as Trump is a quarter jew). True National Socialists don't like those fuckers either.

Matt Furie's net worth is $15mil though. Send half a mil my way so I don't have to slave in a ZOG corporation and that Pepe can disappear. I'm not greedy. Don't need more than enough to retire. I'll even take as low as $401k. Just trying to get away from (((BLACKROCK))) OWNING EVERYTHING.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 08/21/2023 (Mon) 20:00.