Board owner
09/03/2023 (Sun) 10:55
Id: 6d6b86
>>91017That fool you're talking to only cited Russian black propaganda. Hitler only said "master race" once in his entire recorded life.
Of course you just proved he did not hate Slavs in your second image. Truth won't shut the obnoxious shill up.
In cases like this, I just ban them until they give up and a new obnoxious piece of shit appears.
"Here everyone works exactly according to the instincts of his race, because the race, or should we say, the nation and its character, as the Jew himself explains, lies in blood, and this blood is forcing everyone to act according to these principles, whether he is the leading mind in a party that calls itself democratic, or calls itself socialist, or a man of science, literature, or just an ordinary exploiter. He is a Jew; he works aglow with one thought: How do I get my people to become the Master Race." - Adolf Hitler, NSGWP Hofbrauhaus. Friday 15, August 1920.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 09/03/2023 (Sun) 11:02.