09/15/2023 (Fri) 03:35
Id: ac9034
>>91075I removed that post and started a new thread with what you were replying to
>>91076>the arabs fucked up all the hope when they lost multiple times to zogIt's true that just like us, they have cucks in charge bending the knee to Israel. I can't place blame on them when my own people have pathetic simps to Israel. What they need, what we all need, is to execute the traitors among us. Arabs undoubtedly have a lot more among their people who are aware of and hate ZOG. These nations will surely destroy Israel some day. I'm very much in doubt we'll still be alive to witness when that day comes. For all we know, the jews' plans to eliminate Caucasians may have succeeded completely by the time Arabs are finally sick enough of their bullshit.