Anonymous 09/26/2023 (Tue) 12:33 Id: 3808e7 No.91146 del
I don't know exactly what advice you want, but I can tell you what you probably already know about your misdiagnosed disorder. Having ADHD plus being analytical and empirical means your mind should have extreme trouble absorbing information you don't care about. This is an issue in a University of course because of all the absolute bullshit they try to force you to learn which will have zero bearing in any aspect of your life. Whatever you learn that has a real life application, you might absorb. Otherwise, it's chaff. Waste. Pointless crap anywhere else but required in the particular course. You don't have to not be artistic or poetic when you have that affliction. I don't know how to tell you to get along with a family that has these qualities. There isn't enough information.