Anonymous 09/29/2023 (Fri) 18:43 Id: 0f6819 No.91166 del
>What people need is a shock to their system to wake up.
Better would be an rotting of system assaulting their little bohemian (a person not nationality just to say) island which they take so in dearest with their aspirations of eternal beer and football
Like what they will change when they hear that uncomfortable truth of our eternal dept and poverty by constant ignoring of it
What will change when at least in my personal experience they result in physical violence toward that sad truth and that hitler was right
>They'll only fight back if the jew boot is physically on their necks.
Depends on individum
If that man believes in some sort of messiah in shining armor who will fix everything while he sits confortably or everything can be settled down in some jolly political game then even then he wont fight and MAGA faggots are biggest evidence
Yes, and it is many times impossible to get through to someone who has been brainwashed by the lies
An cycle that never ends
>Im immune to propaganda of establishment
>Okay here you have then material showing how much they lie about anyone
>After a while
>No the establishment is right and believe what they say
>But you said you dont believe them
>But why they would lie we would disagree with them then

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