TOP SECRET INTELLIGENCE LEAK- 5 Major Banks To Cut Credit To 20 Million To Fund New War Anonymous 10/15/2023 (Sun) 22:29 Id: 6ec3ed No.91227 del
TOP SECRET INTELLIGENCE LEAK- 5 Major Banks To Cut Credit To 20 Million Americans 'Effective Immediately' To Fund New War

With more banks follow suit. Sorry this is going to be long I'm going to put down everything I remember. One of the guys at my after hours group, who works in the mortgage industry, was talking yesterday when he casually dropped the Intel.

Now this is a guy who is rather elitist and hardly ever talks to me but I was within hearing range and he did look at me when he said it to one of my group buddies. I cut in to ask him questions but his answers were rather elusive. To fund the war in Israel, Biden will not be printing more money. Instead, it appears the order has been given for major credit cards to cut lines of credit to approximately 20 million people, and those would be lower income and the middle class. And people who have more than $1,000 in credit card debt will be forced or asked to pay everything in full 'as soon as possible' or their savings and checking balances will be used to pay their remaining credit card balance and a system of fines being put in place to collect the rest. Credit cards will be replaced by debit cards and those will be frozen until their credit is paid off, with only access to minimum funds for limited necessities like food.

I said 'that's impossible they can't do that, they're not serious' he seemed mad at me for even questioning but at this point I didn't care so I still asked 'what do you mean like a lien on paycheck or mortgage?' and he said 'you got it!' And he laughed saying the people were going to lose their homes right and left. That got me wondering about the FEMA camps and if this is what they were built for. I didn't say anything about that because he already was replying to me like I was an idiot for even asking him that. Again I asked 'when is this going to happen' and he did not say soon, he did not say 2 weeks but he said 'effective immediately' adding with his stupid smile "when it is announced' and "you're getting the exclusive, now don't spread it" and he used a condescending word to talk to me, so F him. If this gets out that I did share it, so be it.

So effective immediately... I asked if that was Monday he said the decision has already been made, it will be announced "and you will know it when it is announced." yeah this guy is kind of a jerk but whatever he knows his stuff. When he'd said 5 major banks, he was kind of moving on, talking about the game so I cut in and I asked "what do you mean banks? Is it like Wells Fargo, Chase, Bank of America or are you talking about MasterCard, Visa and American Express?" The guy looked at me like he was mad that I interrupted his game talk and he condescendingly said "Bank; do you know what a bank is?" my group buddy was giving me the look and the bank guy was in his elitist-jerk mode so I didn't press it further.

I'm sorry, I typed it best as I can remember and I don't have more than this. The way he kept evading the question when I asked when is it going to start, seems to me that they're going to drop this on us without warning but I don't know when sorry.