Anonymous 10/18/2023 (Wed) 00:45 Id: bdb57c No.91268 del
(202.45 KB 709x1026 Rose Salseda.jpg)
(178.87 KB 1500x1000 Wachowski faggots.jpg)
(93.65 KB 450x350 Jewy matrix.jpg)
(43.29 KB 499x301 jewish-matrix.jpg)
>robot looking shit
What the fuck is that?
>Slave ship owners were jews
This is the kind of conversation you have to ease into with negros. I've had some realize the truth and others turn on me, completely rejecting the facts in favor of ignorance. (Don't have much choice when I'm surrounded by them in melting pot America)
>Rose Salseda singing nigger
It's more hilarious with context.
>Spotted in Hungary
We have a Global who used to share movie nights here. They confirmed Hungary had a lot of jews. Which is most likely why that sign focuses on gypsies.
Goddamn I want a time machine now.

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