Anonymous 10/30/2023 (Mon) 22:20 Id: 482d9a No.91461 del
You're imposing an interpretation which doesn't fit its context.

Let's suppose "flavors" are races:
>I desire to bite you with my lips
A desire for an action:
>tasting sweet become umami
Sweet is Race X, and an individual from said race can transform into Race Y (umami).
>flavors intermix
Racial transformations, in this particularly case, take place with racial mixing (you might agree) but it can also happen separately.

Now, suppose "flavors" are sensibilities:
>I desire to bite you with my lips
A desire to bite a woman with one's lips so that...
>tasting sweet become umami
A sweet sensibility can willingly transform into a savory one.
>flavors intermix

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