Anonymous 11/01/2023 (Wed) 21:39 Id: 482d9a No.91478 del
You keep posting NEGROLEGENDARY falsehoods against the Hispanic Empire, which promulgated mestizaje, in fact the Last Will of Queen Isabel mandates Native Americans and Spaniards to marry each other. Two beautiful examples, among millions, are:
1) Carlos Alonso Tito Atauchi, an Inca prince who married princess Constanza de Castilla Cava, a direct descendant of the King of Leon.
2) Beatriz Clara Coya, an Inca princess who married Martín García Óñez de Loyola, an accomplished man who was the product of the highest houses of European nobility (like the Borjia and the Loyola)
>pic related

As historiographer Elvira Roca Barea said, everyone married each other; Native Americans of low status married Spaniards of low status, and Native Americans of high status married Spaniards of high status.

There is a reason why Hispanics created the idea of World Peace (Universitas Christiana), and almost succeeded.