UN Invokes Article 99 on Israel’s Genocide in Gaza Anonymous 12/07/2023 (Thu) 10:06 Id: 72ff13 No.91838 del
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The United Nations head Antonio Guterres just invoked Article 99 to deal with what the Jews are doing in Gaza. I don’t see how this is going to change much. The United States can still just veto any resolution which will allow the Jews to continue their slaughter. It doesn’t matter if Guterres takes over their agenda with Article 99 or not. Qatar has separately called for the UN Security Council to deal with the situation and force Israel to end their genocide operations. It all seems relatively meaningless. The Jews aren’t going to stop until they are physically forced to stop. There’s also been no pressure applied on the United States government even though the US is supplying the weapons for the Jews to engage in this slaughter.

The Jewish response to this has been predictable. They’re accusing Guterres of endangering world peace as they drop bombs on children. The only thing that will stop the Jews is the complete destruction of the Zionist regime itself.
