Anonymous 12/16/2023 (Sat) 13:18 Id: cf93db No.91944 del
(166.81 KB 574x611 holoHOAX.jpg)
The results of this poll should not surprise Jews or anyone for that matter — a 2019 survey showed that Holocaust propaganda was failing miserably to appeal to young people.

And according to a Jewish professor at Harvard University, Holocaust education programs targeting young people have failed to show any reduction in “antisemitism”.

And according to Germany’s ambassador to Israel, Holocaust [Rejection] “has succeeded in becoming a social and international phenomenon.”

Even a recent survey in “de-nazified” Germany found that 40% of the population thought that Jews talked too much about the Holocaust — or in the words of Shakespeare, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”

When Jonathan Greenblatt — the CEO of the Jewish supremacist organization, the ADL — concedes that the Holocaust “could be a hoax”, you have no one to blame but yourselves for skepticism about this fictional event to metastasize.

American minds have not been “radicalized” by Hamas — rather with the advent of the internet, they have realized there are innumerable sources of information outside traditional mainstream media that Jews own and control. And Jews have openly expressed their “frustration” that they no longer have a monopoly on information sources — and their version of reality is no longer unchallenged.

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