Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 12:59 Id: d114ae No.92291 del
(63.60 KB 657x527 Glass.png)
>"Hey goy, listen to this hot new beat consisting of three notes and a nigger screeching ass into a mic for five minutes, isn't it great?)))
I HATE how (((they))) aren't even creative when it comes to music theory, always preferred eastern music theory anyways (not that I _don't_ enjoy classical music, especially baroque), but guess that's just me.
Wait wtf? R*thschilds specifically? O_O Guess I'll just stick with water as I always have. Especially since I got the 'beetus when I was a teen (through a virus passing through my sister's school of all things)

Speaking of which, what's some advice for people with ZOGged panchreases?