01/27/2024 (Sat) 23:20
Id: 335ec9
>>92323"Zionist compromised Christians"
...When tf did I claim to be (((Zionist)))?
It's like saying you care about Black people who want to better themselves and being accused of supporting Burn Loot Murder.
>A) God procreated with Mary and Jesus was born. Mary remained a virgin. The immaculate conception exists. Jesus is the son of God. Mary was Galilean. Thus Jesus was Galilean. It makes zero sense to call him a JEW....Except that Jesus wasn't Samaritan and was born in... Bethlehem? And Jesus chose to be born in a body descended from King... David? The Judean? (Notice the differentiation between (((Jew))) and Judean) How tf does that make Jesus a Samaritan?