Anonymous 01/31/2024 (Wed) 04:41 Id: 5a6256 No.92401 del
(261.93 KB 920x1239 Roman Pepe.jpg)
I became fascinated with that part of the world (also the Finno-Ugric places, which if I'm not mistaken both Finland and Hungary in Europe proper were both allies of Germany) when I started learning about (different) language families.
Another interesting thing to note is that Germany was actually _kinder_ to Sub-Saharan Africans (like in the Olympics, for instance) than America.

There, THAT's the picture I wanted to show another anon to prove I knew that the (((KKK))) was of (((them))) and not a "volkish uprising" or whatever AIDSKike claimed it was (and that the Germans knew this, hence drawing that picture). Ty anon