01/31/2024 (Wed) 07:13
Id: d5cff6
>>89223>1. "Fake it till you make it": We gather together somewhere in our countries, and form our own etnostate within the existing country by simply acting as if we had taken over the government of that area, until we actually have seceded that territory from the greater state.>This works because government is truly defined by what it does (de facto) rather than any official capacity (de jure), we simply designate members of our group as members of our government, we make up a set of laws and we have those we designated police enforce them, we create policies and have those in charge of implementing them do so, just take over the duties of government in that area and you become the government there.THIS is what people in (Austin,) Texas doesn't seem to understand. They have guns, all they need to do is homeschool their children, do NOT fall for the incredibly stupid (((FBI CIA Mossad))) tactic of "hey fellow goy, wanna bomb a federal building?", and obey the laws of the state that don't break the laws of the Bible.
As the Bible says, love fulfills the law. If you truly believe in God's love (agapae), you won't 1. steal (lazy), 2. murder (kill outside of a fight) (violent and dumb), 3. lie (dishonest), 4. commit adultery (degenerate), etc etc. You also won't subject your children to LITERALLY SATANIC DEGENRACY, or the (((Masonic))) brainwashing that goes on at (((public school))). Public school has (((Synagogue of Satan))) written all over it, I wish more Texans were aware of it. I suppose a lot of them are... I hope more become so in the near future, anyway.