Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 08:40 Id: 7862b0 No.92745 del
Just a friendly reminder if you are ever called incel they actually when screaming it mean you are angry native who refuses to accept his death caused by measures made to demographically undermine and eradicate subject races
Before this mess in which we are there werent what is refered as incel and only a tiny fraction of population were confirmed banchelors hell even historical figues or even your great grand parents who wouldnt pass the present looks standarts had wifes that looked better than them and had families

For those who still didnt figured it out and still play this game of "i must be vegan, have mercedes and 500k on account 180cm and 15cm dick" dont play and none of this chaos is your fault and you are only undermining yourself for the "society" that hates what and everything you are