Anonymous 03/01/2024 (Fri) 15:56 Id: 55def7 No.92784 del
>TikTok LGBTQ+ zoomers
>flavor-of-the-mouth faggot FNaF/Undertale-tier
>retarded purple-haired zoomer
>Steven Universe

Everything about that makes me hurl. I really grieve for today's teenagers that grew up on UnderTale, Steven Universe, We Bare Bears, Five Nights at Freddy's, and other totally cucked and are currently obsessed with TikTok. When I was a young teenager the hot thing was Vine, Instagram, and Kik, and smartphones actually fit in your pocket and didn't take over every aspect of our lives like they do now. I hated UnderTale when it was new. All of this 2010s junk has the same art style to it and most promote some sexual degeneracy like the constant shipping of Undyne and Alphys in UnderTale or the queer tranny messages in Steven Universe I found out about from some video. I don't mean to sound like an elitist, but I'm glad to have grown up in the 2000s and remember a world without smartphones. Even when I was 11 you pretty much had a 50/50 chance of seeing either someone still carrying a slider, flip, or BlackBerry or Palm device instead of an iPhone or Samsung Galaxy. I'd imagine there's a big difference between these young folks born during the 2008 recession and the twenty-somethings that were born before 9/11. There was no such thing as "Zoomer" until I was about to wrap up high school I think, so I was always considered Millennial, but now I'm lumped in with TikTokers with the broccoli haircut who are just now getting their driver's licenses.