03/06/2024 (Wed) 06:25
Id: ad7592
>>92841>That familiar format of the image. Are you seriously trying to argue against waves of Hasbara on 4chanNo i am not (that was someone else arguing with someone who was gaslighting on holohoax and how poles should also demand support like jews do because they also died there) as its like you said pointless from attrition point of view and my time is more valuable by finding material than bother with something that is made to keep me from doing anything else
I just got a worm into head that there must be more on that nonsensical book from Sutton than his dementia from screencap when passing by
>Anthony Sutton's books you're referring toWall street and the rise of hitler ie poster child of 4pol shill
Besides just for future
I rarely or not at all write dots or checkers with english short sentence building outside of official or administrative correspondences as its not wisest thing to do when you deal with far different grammar and language